Personalised Fitness and Health Services
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Bone Strength Exercise for Osteoporosis

19 Oct 2020 Exercise and Ageing

Osteoporosis is a condition where the bones become fragile and weak, leading to a higher risk of fractures. Exercise can help you treat and manage Osteoporosis, and strengthen your bones.

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Balance Training for Falls Prevention

14 Dec 2018 Exercise and Ageing

Losing some of our balance is part of the ageing process, with older adults more susceptible to falls and injury. The good news is exercise and balance training can help to prevent falls.

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Feel Younger and Stave Off Old Age with Exercise

14 Jul 2018 Exercise and Ageing

Health benefits of exercise are indisputable in combating age-related risks for disease and disability, however research shows one type of workout can make the biggest difference, especially as you get older.

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Benefits of Strength Training As We Age!

01 May 2018 Exercise and Ageing

Strength training is an important and beneficial type of activity that should be undertaken at nearly every stage of our lifespan.

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Activities of Daily Living for Ageing Well

27 Mar 2018 Exercise and Ageing

I used to be able to do that! When you do the things you love is your body feeling sore? Does it come with a complaint from your knees or back? Have you ever noticed...

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"We do not stop exercising because we grow old - we grow old because we stop exercising."

- Dr Kenneth Cooper

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